Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008


Taekwondo competition typically involves sparringbreakingpatterns, and self-defense (hosinsul). However, in Olympic taekwondo competition, only sparring is contested; and in Olympic sparring WTF competition rules are used.[39]

Taekwondo sparring match in Madrid (Spain).
Taekwondo sparring match in Madrid (Spain).
Female Taekwondo match.
Female Taekwondo match.


Under WTF (World Taekwondo Federation) and Olympic rules, sparring is a full-contact event and takes place between two competitors in an area measuring 10 meters square. Each match or bout consists of three non-stop rounds of contact with rest between rounds. 14-17 black belt fighters fight in 2-minute rounds with a 30-second break. Points are awarded for permitted, accurate, and powerful techniques to the legal scoring areas; light contact to a scoring area does not score any points. A kick or punch that makes contact with the opponent's hogu (The body guard that functions as a scoring target) scores one point; a kick to the head scores two points. Punches to the head are not allowed. If a competitor is knocked down by a scoring technique and the referee counts down, then an additional point is awarded to the opponent.

At the end of three rounds, the competitor with the most points wins the match. If, during the match, one competitor gains a 7-point lead over the other, or if one competitor reaches a total of 12 points, then that competitor is immediately declared the winner and the match ends. In the event of a tie at the end of three rounds, a fourth "sudden death" overtime round will be held to determine the winner, after a 30-second rest period.

Blows are full force and if one player is knocked out by a kick to the head, the attacker is declared the winner as the WTF allows knockouts in sparring competition.But there are certain rules that they must follow. Some rules condemn name calling, punches to the head, grabbing, and more.


The ITF sparring rules are similar, but differ from the WTF rules in several respects. Hand attacks to the head are allowed; flying techniques score more points than grounded techniques; the competition area is slightly smaller (9 meters square instead of 10 meters); and competitors do not wear the hogu used in Olympic-style sparring (although they are required to wear approved foot and hand protection equipment). A continuous point system is utilized in ITF competition, where the fighters are allowed to continue after scoring a technique. At the end of 2 minutes (or specified time) the competitor with the most scoring techniques wins. The ITF competition rules and regulations are available at the ITF information website.[40]

Common styles of ITF Sparring Gear
Common styles of ITF Sparring Gear

ITF competitions also feature performances of patterns, breaking and "special techniques", a category where competitors perform prescribed board breaks at great heights.

AAU competitions are very similar, except that different styles of pads and gear are allowed. Any gear that has the Olympic symbol and not the WTF logo on it is approved.

[edit]Korean commands

Official WTF trunk protector (hogu), forearm guards and shin guards
Official WTF trunk protector (hogu), forearm guards and shin guards

In taekwondoKorean language commands are often used. For words used in counting, see Korean numerals. Often, students count in Korean during their class, and during tests they are usually asked what certain Korean words used in class mean.

Swe'eo쉬어At ease, relax
Ki'hap기합Spirit Yell
Gal'yo갈려Break (separate)
Geu'man그만Finish (stop)
D'wiro do'ra뒤로 돌아Turn around (about turn)
Dojang도장Training hall

1 komentar:

Unknown on Minggu, 24 Mei 2009 pukul 21.25.00 WIB mengatakan...

salam taekwondo!
saya sabeum damar dari taekwondo satria jaya bekasi. Smoga kita bisa berbagi dalam mengembangkan taekwondo di indonesia!


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