Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

Filosofi Belt/Sabuk pada Tae Kwon Do


sby menerima sabuk tertinggi taekwondo

  • Putih melambangkan kesucian, awal/dasar dari semua warna, permulaan.
  • Kuning melambangkan bumi, disinilah mulai ditanamkan dasar-dasar TKD dengan kuat.
  • Hijau melambangkan hijaunya pepohonan, pada saat inilah dasar TKD mulai ditumbuhkembangkan.
  • Biru melambangkan birunya langit yang menyelimuti bumi dan seisinya, memberi arti bahwa kita harus mulai mengetahui apa yang telah kita pelajari.
  • Merah melambangkan matahari artinya bahwa kita mulai menjadi pedoman bagi orang lain dan mengingatkan harus dapat mengontrol setiap sikap dan tindakan kita.
  • Hitam melambangkan akhir, kedalaman, kematangan dalam berlatih dan penguasaan diri kita dari takut dan kegelapan.
  • Perubahan warna sabuk, harus memperlihatkan perubahan menyeluruh sikap hidup kita.


    The color of the belt is an indication of the skill level of a Taekwondo student. Sometimes belts can be gained by winning competitions, the common way is by completing an exam.

    White Belt
    The color white indicates that a person is "innocent", has no knowledge of the sport Taekwondo. The white-belt is automatically gained by taking Taekwondo classes.

    Yellow Belt
    The color yellow indicates that the person is getting to know the basic techniques, this stadium is compared to a plant growing its roots.
    The student going for yellow-belt is usually not skilled enough to show "Chayu daeryon" (non-contact sparring). Instead the student has to show "Sajoe" ("four-direction-movement", one specific technique shown to all directions).

    Green Belt
    The color green indicates that a student is growing as a Taekwondo student. The color of the belt is compared to a plant growing its leafs.

    Blue Belt
    The color blue indicates that a student is reaching higher, like a plant that is growing towards the sky.

    Red Belt
    The color red indicates danger. The student is warned to practice the control of his/her movements. The color red also warns an opponent.

    Black Belt
    Black is the opposite of white and means the maturity of the student in the art. It also is an indication of being impenetrable for fear and darkness.
    A black-belt has to know all the aformentioned. There is also a special pattern for black-belts. The patterns follow the Poomse Taeguks as well as the Poomse Palgwes.

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