Why Taekwon-Do?
Within the framework of Tae Kwon Do there is something for everyone:
Self Defence - Does it work?
Yes! Ask yourself this - If martial arts do not work (bearing in mind that most martial arts have been developed over hundreds of years), why do almost every military establishment in the world have some sort of martial arts system on their training agenda?
As a system of self-defence Tae Kwon do is extremely effective. It will not perform miracles, no martial art system will; however, through regular training there is no doubt that your chances of surviving a violent confrontation will improve considerably whatever your age or sex.
Compared to other sporting activities Tae Kwon Do wins hands down. You benefit in so many different ways: Fitness - Tae Kwon Do consists of both aerobic and anaerobic routines; Muscle tone - Tae Kwon Do exercises virtually every muscle in the body; Flexibility - Due to the many and varied kicks in Tae Kwon Do, flexibility plays a major role, but take heart, whatever your level of flexibility now, it will definitely improve - gradually but surely.
The Art
For some people, fighting and competition is the last thing on their minds. They prefer the art, philosophy and history of Tae Kwon Do, and as the ingredients of Tae Kwon Do dates back centuries, there is certainly no shortage of this.
Some people practice Tae Kwon Do purely as a social event, a night out, and why not? We organise various social events throughout the year, which are extremely popular with the students.
People practise Tae Kwon Do for so many different reasons. Our job as instructors at Carlisle Taekwon-Do School is to try and cater for all those needs, and with many years experience, we feel we have found the right balance.
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